
Cedar Point Health offers telehealth visits for a variety of Primary Care appointments. Using everyday technology, you can see your provider from the comfort of home. No downloads required.

How it works

1. Schedule your appointment.

To make an appointment give us a call and speak with our scheduling team to see if your needs can be met by a telehealth appointment and schedule your appointment.

2. Choose and test your device.

You may have multiple devices, such as a smartphone, a laptop, and a tablet, that you may use for your visit. Consider which one you are most comfortable using. Make sure your device has the preferred browser for our telehealth website.

Test your phone, computer, or tablet, go to or click the button below. 

3. Complete pre-visit paperwork.

Just like at face-to-face visits, we may need to verify contact information, update insurance, and review health information.

  • 24 hours prior to your appointment, you will receive a text and email with a link to gather the necessary information. Be sure to do this in advance so we can start your visit on time.
  • Record your height, weight, blood pressure, and any other vital signs you can to help make your visit as effective and efficient as possible.
4. Start your visit.

10 minutes before your telehealth appointment you will receive an automated text and email to start your visit.

  • From your preferred device click or tap on the email/text link and follow the instructions to verify your identity.
  • Click or tap Start Telemedicine Session and enter your name. You’ll be placed in a virtual waiting room where your provider can see you and start your telehealth appointment. Educational content is available for you to browse while you wait, just like in a real waiting room.
  • Make sure your camera and microphone are enabled. We encourage you to click or tap the Pre-Call Test button to ensure everything works.
5. Schedule follow up care.

Once your visit is complete, your provider will end the call and you can close the page on your device. We will call to schedule any follow up appointments, referrals, or other care as directed.


Montrose Urgent Care

Monday - Friday 8am-8pm
Saturday 8am-4pm
Sunday Noon-4pm

Clifton Urgent Care

Monday - Sunday 8am-8pm

Primary Care

Monday - Friday 8am-5pm


Ridgway Family Practice
295 Sherman St.
Ridgway, CO 81432

Rio Grande Primary Care
3330 S Rio Grande
Montrose, CO 81401

Delta Primary Care
233 Cottonwood St
Delta, CO 81416

Cedaredge Primary Care
255 SW 8th Ave
Cedaredge, CO 81413


Clifton Urgent Care
569 32 Rd. Unit 12
Grand Junction, CO 81504

Montrose Urgent Care
836 S. Townsend Ave Unit C
Montrose, CO 81401

Wellness Center Physical Therapy
2303 S Townsend Ave, Suite E
Montrose, CO 81401

Aesthetic Services




PHONE (970) 249-7751

FAX (970) 249-5029