Covid-19 Testing

For more information about our Urgent Care, visit our Urgent Care page.

If you are experiencing COVID-like symptoms, please call the urgent care office from the parking lot and we will accommodate you from there.

If you are a CPH Primary Care Patient and you are having COVID like symptoms, please call your primary care office. They can help you schedule a telemedicine appointment with your care provider and will help arrange for any necessary testing.

If you are needing testing for prior to a surgery or procedure, we offer two options:

  1. You can walk in to any of our urgent care locations and request a pre-op COVID test. We will provide a NAAT (Nucleic Acid Amplification Test) for $120 at the time of service. Asymptomatic screening is not covered by insurance. Results are available in about 15 minutes.
  2. You can schedule an appointment with your primary are provider. They will arrange for PCR (Polymerase Chain Reaction) testing to be ran through one of our partner labs (MMH or Aegis). Results will be available in approximately 48 hours. You need to convey whether or not a full pre-op exam is needed to clear you for surgery or if you are only needing testing. We can run your insurance or offer cash pricing.

The table shows what testing options are available at all CPH Urgent Cares. Generally, we steer patients towards our in-house NAATs due to the balance they provide between accuracy and timeliness of results.

*** NOTE: Patients are responsible for knowing which test is required to satisfy their surgeon, airline, or employer. Please research your needs in advance. ***


When will I get COVID test results back?

Results will vary depending on test type and location.

  • Clifton and Grand Junction PCR – We use Aegis as our PCR lab processor. Generally, results are 48-72 hours. Weekends and Holidays lengthen the return time since these specimens are couriered and sent via airplane.
  • Montrose PCR – We use Montrose Memorial Hospital. If specimens are acquired Monday – Thursday, you can expect next day results. Specimens are not processed Saturday or Sunday. So, any specimens taken Friday – Sunday will be processed Monday and we should have results Monday afternoon.
  • NAATs (Molecular Rapid) – Our laboratory machines processes results in 15 minutes. However, if our testing volume is high, several specimens may be in queue for processing so results may take up to a couple of hours.
  • Antigen (Rapid) – Generally, results take about 15 minutes.
“How many days after exposure should I wait to get tested?”

The CDC recommends waiting 5 days unless you develop symptoms. Some have not gotten ill for up to 14 days.

How do I know if I have allergies, a cold, or COVID-19?

It is best to meet with a provider, thoroughly discuss your symptoms, and pursue appropriately recommended testing. There is a lot of overlap of symptoms making it nearly impossible to diagnose without testing. Providers have the knowledge and training to help make the most effective and efficient decision for you.

Do I need to see the provider if I am sick?

We do not test without provider orders. Those orders are created during a visit with you.

Will insurance cover my asymptomatic testing (travel, school, exposure)?

Generally, insurance does not cover asymptomatic testing. However, if you have known exposure to a close infected contact such as a family member, your insurance may cover testing. It is best to contact your benefits manager in advance to obtain details on coverage.

Can you email my results?

Due to HIPAA compliance, we prefer to provide you results on paper (in person) or by faxing to a secure line. Other arrangements may be available as necessary.

Why do I need to see the provider if I am having symptoms and just want to know if I have it or not?

It is best to meet with a provider, thoroughly discuss your symptoms, and pursue appropriately recommended testing. There is a lot of overlap of symptoms making it nearly impossible to diagnose without testing. Providers have the knowledge and training to help make the most effective and efficient decision for you.

When are your testing times?

We are available to provide you care Monday – Friday 8 AM to 8 PM, Saturday 8AM to 4PM, and Sunday 12PM to 4PM.

Can you just come to my vehicle? I don’t want to get out.

Generally, we can keep you in your vehicle throughout the check in process and while waiting. But, for evaluation, we will escort you directly to a room in order to limit exposure. We ask that you wear a mask for your entire visit in our office.


Urgent Care

Monday - Sunday 8am-8pm

Primary Care

Monday - Friday 8am-5pm


Ridgway Family Practice
295 Sherman St.
Ridgway, CO 81432

Rio Grande Primary Care
3330 S Rio Grande
Montrose, CO 81401

Delta Primary Care
233 Cottonwood St
Delta, CO 81416

Cedaredge Primary Care
255 SW 8th Ave
Cedaredge, CO 81413


Clifton Urgent Care
569 32 Rd. Unit 12
Grand Junction, CO 81504

Montrose Urgent Care
836 S. Townsend Ave Unit C
Montrose, CO 81401

Wellness Center Physical Therapy
2303 S Townsend Ave, Suite E
Montrose, CO 81401

Aesthetic Services




PHONE (970) 249-7751

FAX (970) 249-5029